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Stroke is defined as a neurological deficit of sudden onset which results from cerebrovascular disease and persists for longer than 24 hours (DTB 1998). Stroke is very common, with, for example, around 110,000 people each year in England alone experiencing a first or recurrent episode (DH 2007). Consequences of stroke can include disability and early death, and the condition costs the UK economy around £7billion annually (NICE 2008).

Following treatment of acute stroke, patients are advised of lifestyle changes that can help to prevent a further vascular event. These include smoking cessation, weight reduction for those who are overweight, reducing dietary salt intake, taking regular exercise and avoiding excess alcohol. They are also considered for drug therapy, such as antiplatelets, a statin and antihypertensives, to prevent further vascular events.

Your treatment plan

After a thorough medical history and examination procedure treatment needs to address the underlying causes and any exacerbating factors. 

Certain acupuncture points have been shown to affect areas of the brain that are known to reduce sensitivity to pain and stress, as well as promoting relaxation and deactivating the ‘analytical’ brain, which is responsible for anxiety (1). Acupuncture can also be safely combined with conventional treatments and medications. Customised dietary and lifestyle changes will be discussed where needed.

A combination of bodywork such as tui na, acupressure, massage, reflexology, relaxation, breathing and mindful awareness exercises are also a core strategy that has proven helpful for many people.

Other Lifestyle factors - Creating restful sleep patterns, making sure you have the right diet, nutrients and nourishing eating habits are also key, as well as addressing any emotional issues that may be involved.

British Acupuncture Research Fact Sheets - For further information please take a look at the related issues section on the right hand-side of the screen.

  1. Wu MT et al. Central nervous pathway for acupuncture stimulation: localization of processing with functional MR imaging of the brain-- preliminary experience. Radiology 1999; 212: 133-41.
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  • Lorna is really helping my chronic back problem. I come into the clinic for a top up as and when is needed and her acupuncture helps to keep me going.

    John (86): Acupuncture
  • Lorna has come into our offices for the past three years and run acupuncture sessions as part of our annual Health and Wellbeing month. Staff are able to sign-up for 40 minute consultations and treatments, the feedback from staff has been excellent and I would highly recommend Lorna and Health Point Clinic. Sitting at a desk all day I suffered from lower back pain, after just one short session I could really notice the difference.

    Peter (26): Acupuncture at work - EY Channel Islands
  • Having suffered two strokes during 2013, I have found that acupuncture is the only on going effective treatment method. The left hand side of my face no longer feels like it has been hit with a football, my headaches are gone and my left foot has finally woken up. Following treatment, I have bursts of clarity and very slowly the fog in my head is clearing.

    Matthew (43): Acupuncture
  • Massively grateful to Health Point Clinic's Lorna Jackson for the incredible difference she's made to my chronic back pain... Oh my god, why didn't I get on to acupuncture years ago?! Lorna didn't just address the issues that were highlighted by all of the 'regular' doctors, consultants and experts - she nailed it (pardon the pun) with astute recognition of a number of my body's quirks, such as hyper mobility as being a contributing factor to everything else; three prolapsed discs, facet joint problems and pain and sciatica and numbness - to name a few of the delightful symptoms. For the first time in a very long time, I feel like someone listened to me, took notice of my chronic pain symptoms and the other attributed issues and addressed the root causes of what has been one of the most hindering factors in my life. I cant recommend Lorna Jackson and Health Point enough. I'm more mobile, my pain is barely measuring on the 1-10 for the most part, and I'm starting to feel like I can get my life back on track. Only three/four weeks ago, I honestly thought I was going to end up in a wheel chair within the next few years. The pain metrics between 1-10 meant nothing - constant mind shattering pain and immobility don't 'fit' within a 1-10 scale... Now I feel like I'm almost ready to start those essential core exercises and address the strength, fitness and maintenance that my body so desperately needs.

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    Lucy (37): Acupuncture
  • Lorna is awesome, I went to see her after having a headache for 3 days and I actually felt the pressure in my head lifting as she did the acupuncture.

    Yvonne (54): Acupuncture
  • Can't beat Lorna and her needles for pain relief and rehabilitation!

    Nat (37): Acupuncture
  • A midwife suggested that I try acupunture and moxibustion to help turn my persistently breach baby as a last resort before an ECV at 37 weeks. Lorna was able to help with this but also took note of other areas of concern such as lower back and hip pain. The treatment itself was very comforting and Lorna gave me a moxa stick to continue at home. Later that evening I felt some strong movements from my baby, a scan the next day showed that he had finally moved into to the correct position and no intervention was required. The tension in my lower back and hips had also relelased. I am delighted with the results and would certainly recommend Lorna to anyone with a breach baby and/or suffering during the later stages of pregnancy.

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    Lucy (33): Acupuncture
  • Lorna provided a professional service to our customers and clients. You support to our athletes was second to none and we look forward to working with you again.

    Katie - Durrell Dash - Acupuncture & massage treatments post race.
  • I have been having acupuncture for shoulder and neck problems. On my first visit Lorna took a detailed history and explained about Chinese medicine and how it can help. I was extremely impressed with the calmness of the clinic and the gentleness of her approach. After my first session there was significant improvement in the level of pain and the range of movement but alongside this for the first time in months I have had a good night sleep. Thank you Lorna for all your help.

    Carol (56): Acupuncture
  • I initially went to Lorna to get some help to relax and de-stress, but after consultation Lorna identified and went on to successfully treat the pain in my neck, shoulder and arm which I had had for many years and had been told would need to be treated with steroids – something I was not keen to do. The results are amazing and have given me back full mobility. On one occasion I visited Lorna because I could not turn my head or lift my arm unaided but within 15 minutes of treatment I could swing my arm in a complete circle and turn my head fully from side to side – nothing short of miraculous! My stress levels have also reduced. Lorna is so approachable and easy to talk to - she makes you feel really relaxed and inspires confidence. I would not hesitate to recommend her. When my shoulder was particularly bad Lorna strapped it with acu-tape a number of times as I had long journeys through France to contend with and she also used it on my ankle when I twisted it and in both areas I found it to be very beneficial.

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    Hilary (52): Acupuncture
  • Lorna's amazing, such a lovely way about her that I overcame my fear of needles and gave it a go. Turns out they're nothing like normal needles, they're tiny! Now I get regular accupuncture and it gives such a deep relief to my muscle tension and back pain. I come out feeling super relaxed with a softened back and muscles like jelly, all the tension completely gone, ready for a long deep sleep.

    Shona (36): Acupuncture
  • The acupuncture treatment Lorna gave me provided the relief of pain / stress that I needed for my tennis elbow. More importantly, your easy and relaxed manner was highly professional and you were able to answer all my probing questions about the acupuncture treatment in layman’s terms. Although my tennis elbow has not gone completely, the pain is insignificant and very manageable by doing the exercises and by using my elbow in ways to protect it that Lorna recommended. I will definitely recommend Health Point Clinic for acupuncture services.

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    Anne (44): Acupuncture
  • One visit to Lorna told me more about my condition than anyone else, she knows her subject and more, it is well worth a consultation with her.

    Jennifer (63): Acupuncture
  • After trying all sorts of massages and treatments to relieve my tight neck and shoulders, I tried acupunture with Lorna. Not only did I feel reassured by her professional approach but she administered a number of needles specifically into the areas of tension. After just one session the tightness had released which exceeded my expectations of the treatment. I would highly recommend her as an excellent therapist and practitioner!

    Alex (29): Acupuncture
  • "As a midwife and Hypnobirthing teacher, I worked with Lorna when I asked her to facilitate a group acupressure class for a group of pregnant women in Jersey. Lorna is a wealth of knowledge and reassurance, in instilled key principles of acupressure in labour for my clients. They left the workshop feeling confident, calm and ready to use the new skills they learnt!" For more information visit:

  • From the start I’ve found Lorna to be very professional. The setting created in the office was very relaxing and comfortable in one of our meeting rooms. Lorna explained the process of acupuncture and the steps in the treatment to follow. As the treatment started, Lorna determined the main spots in the back and neck area where the tension was. She was spot on and as she inserted the needles I could immediately feel the muscles in my neck, shoulders and lower back relax. She put on some relaxing music while she attended to another patient next door. The 15-20 minutes or so relaxing with the music and acupuncture felt like heaven. I was definitely more relaxed in my shoulders and neck in the days that followed.

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    Hentie (29) Acupuncture at work - EY Channel Islands
  • I was referred to Lorna by my local GP after the re-occurance of problems in my shoulder and neck. The injury was from being hit by a car while out cycling over 18 months ago. Lorna quickly assessed the problem of the damaged muscle area but also correctly predicted the secondary effects on other muscles. Lorna is very professional and dedicated to her work that it makes your treatment less stressful. I would recommend Lorna to anyone, especially sports people looking to clear up injuries in a positive way with long term benefits.

    Peter (39): Acupuncture
  • I had been seeking a cure for my neck problem for nearly two years now but to no avail. Until I saw Lorna. Not only she able to alleviate my symptoms significantly, was also able to help identify the primary cause of the problem. I am now undergoing treatment with the correct professional. Something no other practitioner I have seen has been able to do. Lorna's treatment approach is second to none. A methodical and tailored treatment plan in which she inspires belief and confidence. Sometimes recovery from a long-term problem can take time. With the treatment and support I received from Lorna I am finally on the road to a full recovery. I cannot thank her enough.

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    Kate (38): Acupuncture
  • I went to see Lorna as I had injured my shoulder, however after a detailed consultation Lorna also reviewed my lower back and suggested some work could be done in that area too. The acupuncture itself was relaxing, yet at the same time I felt each 'needle' was really clearing the problem. Lorna let me know throughout the treatment what she was doing and wanted my feedback too which was comforting as it really felt like Lorna consistently cared about how I was feeling. At the end of the treatment I even had a 15-minute relax with soothing music - as relaxing as a spa treatment! So - did it work? Yes it did! Would I recommend acupuncture? Absolutely - I am going to visit Lorna again when the dreaded hay fever season starts as I think acupuncture could be the way forward for this too. The practice feels professional yet welcoming and Lorna herself exceeded my expectations.

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    Joanne (53): Acupuncture
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